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Submitter: Clint R.

Why does the 85 class go before the 65 classes the 85 tears up the course alot more the the 65’s

Submitter: Aaron W.

Via GoPro Footage or occra official eyewitness If caught cutting Track automatic DQ for that race if caught again automatic DQ from the series Cut and dry no gray areas no excuses

Submitter: Tanner M.

Pro payout 200% OR make the pro entry the same as all other classes. Paying extra is not fair when the payout is capped at $210 and you only leave with $150 and having to race at such a higher level. Also if the payout is better more pros will come which is good for spectators and kids to watch and learn and it raises the skills of the whole club by learning new speeds

Submitter: Rebecca B.

Colored backgrounds or numbers for the different classes so it’s easier for younger ones to identify those not in their class.

Submitter: Matt M.

Add a +30 A class, you can start on the Masters line like every other series

Submitter: Brad W.

2 hour (A)race or 50 miles.

Submitter: John M.

Go back to the 1hr 45 min race format. This seemed to be a good amount of time for the big bike races.

Submitter: Donn C.

Need a 40+ intermediate class like other organizations have.

Submitter: Donn C.

I agree with John M. Big bike races should 1:45 in length.

Submitter: Doug B.

Consider a longer race time for big bikes 1:45 or 2:00

Submitter: Emily C.

In the spirit of competition, I propose to change the age classes of womens short course quad to an A and B class. The purpose of the reorganization a few years ago was so that when you line up, you dont automatically know who is going to win. There are different levels of riders in both 30+ and womens SC and both have quick riders and slower riders. I would like to see these be speed based classes rather than age to foster competition and put rider levels in the same speed category. We all ride the same time and the same track anyway, so age shouldn’t matter so much as how fast you are.

Submitter: Emily C.

I propose to change the rules for the O-YAA awards. The way they are calculated is outdated and most schools do not use these standards any more. I propose to change them to: A=4 pts., B= 3 pts., C = 2pts., D = 1 pt., For schools that grade on S/U….S+= 4 pt., S=3 pt., S-= 2 pt., U= 0 pt. For classes that are Pass-Fail, Pass = pt., Fail = 0 pts. For schools that grade on Standards based grading, 2 state-licensed educators that are Club members, appointed by the race officers of that respective year, will make any point-decisions for those grade cards. All grade cards and-or transcripts should be submitted to the Vice President by November 1st for year end award eligibility.

Submitter: Emily C.

To be added to team quad race rules: both members of the team must work the same weekend for year end points. This was an issue and there were teams where both members did not work. One member was allowed to work for the team, and I do not think this is fair to the other teams who both members worked.

Submitter: Daniel W.

Create a 65 girls class. Had a good turn out these last few years and the girls expressed interest in this. Also would allow them to compete similar to the ladies class.

Submitter: Cole W.

I propose the membership price change from $30 single/$50 family to $25 for every member. This change would cause quite a few changes.

  1. Single members would get a discount.
  2. While 2 member family’s price would not change, this would increase the membership cost for any family with 3 or more members.
  3. This would allow for online membership signup.
  4. This would allow for accurate cost tracking of membership money.
  5. This would begin the process to get to the ability to have online race registration.

Submitter: Cole W.

I propose that OCCRA add a temp $10 membership for the entire year. (this could be discounted after the break or for any co-sanctions or special events). This membership will act as our current temp memberships do:

  1. It would be active on a per weekend basis.
  2. It would allow for any weekend awards and results, but no series points.
  3. It would allow riders to try OCCRA for a slightly cheaper cost. (maybe getting a couple more riders.)
  4. It could help keep 1 or 2 time racers out of year end points calculations.

Submitter: David B.

If a rider enters a class after the summer break, they will be eligible for the individual race award (1st, 2nd etc), but will not be awarded series points and/or overall points, unless approved by a 100% vote of the current race officers.

Submitter: Cole W.

I propose all age based classes be off of the racers age as of Jan 1st of that year. This matches the minis and short course rules. This also will prevent the temptation of someone moving classes mid season which causes more work for scoring, and a problem if it is missed.

Submitter: Dillon Y.

2019 Rule Proposal Change for Pro Payout

For the 2019 season I propose that OCCRA increases the Pro Payout. Right now, the series has the pay capped at $210. I don’t think there should be a cap at all, more racers should mean better Payout. Racing against more people should be rewarded. If OCCRA wants to attract more Pros, which would ultimately bring more racers across the board, they need to raise their Payout. The lack of pay is hurting the Pro turnout. I think an increase in the pay chart would attract riders from outside of our current series circle. Attracting riders from outside of the OCCRA series should be a priority to the series. Getting more riders will lead to
better and faster competition which will raise the level of riding of all individuals racing. Just from my personal experience racing the OCCRA Series, I have often missed Occra races and traveled out of state because other series in the surrounding states where having a bigger payout. When they host these Bigger Payout races they attract racers from several states. As a racer, I would love to be able to race the Occra series and know that I am racing the best riders in the Midwest Region. OCCRA is simply missing out on riders and not providing us racers with better competition. If OCCRA chooses not to make a significant change to Pro Payout, I for see the quad numbers will continue to drop. Make some changes, reward your Pro riders, and Lets get the Occra Series numbers of riders up.

Solution Ideas

* Remove the $210 Cap on Pro Payout, with the increase in riders
* Change payback policy to 40% of class gets payback up to 5th place
* Increase minimum payback for 1st place to $310-400
* Have a One to Two Big Race Events a year with $500-1000 payouts

Submitter: Cole W.

I propose the following change to the pro payout. I’ve been wanting to change this for years. I see now there is interest in changing it from pro riders. I would like to offer my 2 cents. The following would include:
1. Make pros able to earn higher payouts based on attendance with basically no cap to payout amount.
2. OCCRA would be able to invest less money.
3. Payout structure is more fair and rewarding.
4. My layout has 9 payout levels, the current chart has 8, so not much room will be added to the rulebook.

This will need to be made into a chart style if passed.

1 rider 1st $210
2 riders 1st $285
3-4 riders 1st $285 2nd $60
5-6 riders 1st $285 2nd $100
7-9 riders 1st $350 2nd $150 3rd $60
10-14 riders 1st $400 2nd $200 3rd $100
15-19 riders 1st $500 2nd $300 3rd $100
20-24 riders 1st $600 2nd $350 3rd $150 4th $100
25+ 1st $900 2nd $350 3rd $150 4th $100

Submitter: Cole W.

I propose combining Quad Team A and B.

Submitter: Cole W.

Quad Team Class Requirements
In the spirit of creating the team class it was intended that it be a team event. I want to add the rule that both racers must attempt a lap but this will further regulate a “fun” class. In the instance Team A only has 1 quad and rider 1 breaks down before rider 2 gets to attempt a lap TEAM A would be DQ’ed which is not my intention. I only ask that wording be added to something of this effect. “The team race is to be considered a team event in all aspect of rules on the class.” I would want it implied TEAM A would work as a team and race as a team and not as individuals. This class has enough rules and I don’t want to add one but the spirit of the class should remain as a team.