Your race club is always listening to ideas and looking for new ways to keep racers informed. We are rolling out a new way to stay connected for convenience and safety if you choose to OPT in.
If you OPT in to our new texting services we will not “spam you” but you can expect reminders prior to each race with important information including 1 click directions to the track making it easier to find us. We will also be using it in the event of a race cancellation, special events etc. You can OPT out at anytime by texting “STOP”. Here is how you OPT in:
Text raceoccra to 84483 for anyone other than mini’s.
Text occramini to 84483 for mini’s.
FYI, when you OPT in, you will receive a text from Rainedout which is our text service provider including legal info. After the initial sign up message, it will just be OCCRA info.
Stay tuned for more exciting news about the 2020 race season which is just over 1 month away.