Your race club would like to invite you to race this highly anticipated venue centrally located in OKC which is what many members call their home track.
Round 6 is a make up race from the Summer. 2020 has thrown some punches at us but we are still on track for a full 12 race season!
First we would like to thank our RD 6 sponsors for supporting the race.
Service Master Restore is also a primary sponsor for RD 6. When disaster strikes, they will be there to provide the guidance, expertise and personalized care needed to ensure your life gets back to normal, quickly. Just call 405.528.6600 or visit
Please read through this as we summarize a few very important topics.
For Special events we have Littles XC which is really fun to watch even if you do not have kids that are racing. Of course you will always find Cole Williams leading bible study at the Gooberville portable palace at 7:30pm.
If your normal race day is Sunday for example, and you wish to earn work points please keep in mind you are supposed to work Sunday (your normal race day) because there is a limit to how many workers can be accepted on your non-race day. Is it possible to work Saturday, yes. Is it guaranteed that there will be an available position, no. We anticipate large numbers of racers working the last few races which is typically the only time this gets brought up. Please see recent posts for more details.
Quads and Bikes are on separate tracks for this race but the start is in same staging area. Quads will be enjoying the very spectator friendly Grass track which is really fast and flows well. Big bikes will be on the recently reversed Blue trail which is single track at its best! There are lots of recent videos posted of the track, just not the official OCCRA track as there will be some variations.
Although we are REALLY close to achieving our 1000 member goal for 2020, we are asking each of you to reach out to at least 1 person you know that would enjoy taking advantage of our $5 Fall Temporary Membership offer. Whether its someone new or a racer that has not been involved this year just remember how much enjoyment YOU get from this and we are sure you would want others to as well.
Please refer to GPS or 1 click directions below. If you OPT IN to our texts you will be treated to an even more simplified resource for directions.
GPS: 35.348646, -97.382942
1 click directions: