Please see below for the results of the submissions for the 2023 season.
don bailey
I would like to remove the 5 bonus points for 100% races. I like the 2 drops and no xtra points
No vote
Mototally does not support this feature and it was very difficult to implement in 2022
don bailey
I would like OCCRA go back to the older classes. Get rid of the xc1, xc2, xc3 classes and go back to +30, +40, +50 am, nov, expert classes. The xc1, 2, 3 classes doesn’t even match what gncc does. Get rid of the Test classes and just have them enter a class and if it is too fast or slow move them to the right class for their speed.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule
don bailey
On the 50cc ,65cc,85cc class limit the wheel size. I think we need a wheel size so it doesnt give an advantage to the smaller wheel bikes.
Reece Manning
would like a SBR for kids 12-14 that ride a bike bigger than 85
85 to 250 four stroke.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule
Rick Manning
would like to see a class on short course for kids 12-14 that ride a bigger bike than an 85. can be 85 two stroke up to 250 four stroke.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule
Aaron Waldon
I would like to see the rule about swapping machines be changed back to where you can swap a machine. It keeps racers racing. I would also like to see this change be for a two-year change, that way more people have the opportunity to utilize this and see it’s benefits
Overwhelming opposed
Aaron Waldon
**Withdrawn by officer. Issue to be reviewed by BOD.
I would like a rule to be made that if two officers or board members are married or house hold direct family member, they combined only have one vote. That way we don’t have power couples that can force a vote through with them being the tie-breaking vote.
Dylan Workman
I am proposing that the womens quad classes have their own overall and their own race. Currently they race with the Youth Short Course. Why should women have to race with boys/young men? This is a male dominated sport and the women that do go out on a limb and try and compete work incredibly hard to earn their position within their class, race, and overall. The women get looked over because of the young men they have in their standings. I suggest the youth short course class be lined up behind the Short Course A and B classes. The 12-16 year old boys/young men would hold there own in this line, I feel the small increase in time from 30 minutes to 45 minute race time would be no issue for them as well. There would be no “new” races added to the race order, just a little reorganization. Short Course would stay at their same time 10:30-11:15 (per flyer) the Youth would just be an added line. The Women’s race(s) would stay at their time 12:15-12:45 (per flyer). This is ultimately up to the OCCRA crew and how they make the lineup/race order, I am simply making a suggestion for the benefit of the members/racers. If it comes to the point that this is changed, there could also be a class added such as: “Women’s D”, “Women’s Trail Rider,” or “Women’s Beginner” behind the Women’s A,B, and C classes. Women that are new to racing would be less intimated and more inclined to give it a chance if they had a race dedicated to just women. If it comes to the point that this is NOT changed and the structure is decided to remain the same (Youth to be within the Women’s classes), I then propose that the women’s A class start ahead on the Youth Short Course. I personally witnessed countless times this year, the women running the A class catching people to pass within 30 seconds of their race. Not only does that pose a danger to the women (witnessed a Youth rider brake check one of the women trying to pass causing a major wreck and costing the woman her whole race), but also ruins competitive racing because the lack of open track and continuous hold ups at very start of the race.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule
Brandon Brown
long course quad go back to 105 minutes, i just need one more lap !
No vote
Structural decision not a rule
Hugo Barraza
I would like to propose a C line for man’s open short course.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule
Hugo Barraza
I would like to propose for the temporary memberships at the end of the year to have their own lines or anybody that is racing temporary membership, rather be their bikes or quads to have their own line start
No vote
Officers will review
Kelly Whinery
I would like to propose a rule change for racers who race in multiple races on the same day to only have to work one day instead of a day for each race. For instance, our son races in both youth short course and amateur long course on Saturdays. He worked all day, missing both of his races, at the first race of the season. He was then told he had to work another Saturday even though he had already worked during both of his races causing him to miss his 100% for long course.
Votable rule
This what we already intend to do, please talk to Jason Hudson or Shane Apple
Overwhelming Opposed
Ryan Smith
I would like to propose a change to the track markings. Arrows would indicate direction only. A left arrow would mean a left turn, a right arrow would mean a right turn…and so on. A rider could ride inside or outside the arrow. The track would maintain a 30ft width at the arrows, 15ft on either side of the arrow.
2 arrows would still indicate that a rider has to ride in between the arrows.
There wouldn’t be any 45 or 90degree arrows….just left or right.
No vote
We need to keep our landowners happy and we would lose tracks if it was free for all
Matt Fullbright
Riders encountering a traffic jam or “bottleneck” may go more than 30 feet off the course to get around the bottleneck only. However, the rider must re-enter the course as soon as possible, and approaching this section the next lap, must ride the original arrow edge section if the track is clear. If the original marking devices are knocked down, the rider must stay on the original marked course regardless. A “bottleneck” is a section of the track that becomes impassable for any reason, with the exception of checkpoints (scoring trailer).
Need to define bottleneck
Overwhelming pass
Kris McKinney
If classes remain the same for 2023 I would like to see the vet expert class be changed 30 and up. This would help add riders to that class and give some of the slower guys in 30a a fighting chance.
Overwhelming pass
Jamie Moore
I would like to propose a girl only line for the mini bike classes. If enough participation, break them out to A, B, and C classes as well.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule
David Moore
Can bumps be done off of lap times? Or there be a better defined way of how they bumps are done.
No vote
This one of the measures we use. Every scoring director will do it differently
Randal Hallum
I propose that OCCRA’s 2022 season experimentation with the 5 bonus points awarded to 100%ers be discontinued. OCCRA portrays itself to be a family organization, and I believe that this policy undermines the purpose of the 2 drop system by forcing members to choose between non racing family, family obligations and OCCRA.
- For example, members may find it necessary to miss things like prom, sporting events, band events cheer/pom events, birthdays, weddings, or funerals…….. placing a higher value on racing and/or racing siblings at the sacrifice of the non-racing family members, whose non OCCRA events are of equal importance to both the non-racing siblings and racers alike. In years past, a simple drop could save parents from choosing the activity of one family member over the other.
- This reward also favors the more financially sound members that can more easily afford the long drive and expense of a distant venue, whereas a strategic drop can save a hard-working member a lot of cash and possibly not put the annual budget at risk. Remember, times are not good for everyone and whether you admit it or not, racing is expensive.
- Then you have health. How many members showed up after being exposed to illness to get the end of year bonus? How many members showed up to race after an injury or sickness just to do a lap to qualify for the bonus, when a couple more weeks off would have been advisable?
- I have heard from both members and officers that this policy helps to keep race attendance up and provide an increase of funds to the organization by driving up gate attendance and entry fees. If that is the case, then I say to you that OCCRA is not an organization driven by family values. It is a financial organization driven by its wealth and bottom line.
No vote
Taking away due to scoring overhead
Randal Hallum
I propose that a VIP pass be sold for an extra $100/year in addition to normal gate fees. Pass holders would be allowed to enter the venue as early as noon on Friday. I realize that some venue contracts may need adjustments. That is why the extra funds should be distributed to the participating venue owner as a bonus. Money talks when trying to attract quality venues. This will require a gate attendant to be arranged for the extra 3 hours prior to the regular attendant’s arrival. I will volunteer for the first race. I should note that members show up to venues early anyway to gain access to prime camping spots. Individuals arriving early without a VIP pass will be required to pay twice the gate fee should they wish to enter early.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule, Officers and BOD will review viability
Shawnta’l McKinney
I propose that we rename Mini Mini Quad to the PEEWEE Class to prevent confusion on for children/parents/spectators/
Overwhelm pass
Marcus Robello
I propose we get rid of quads entirely. Then allow bikes to practice all day Saturday. Too many times do races go long or have issues and LC Bikes only get 1-2 hours of practice.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule
Marcus Robello
There needs to be a clear cut “bump/promotion” guideline. I feel like people get moved up just because. Also, last year there were a few who were supposed to move up but didn’t because they wanted to finish in that class.. why are people allowed to just say no? It needs to be more cut and dry as to who/what/when/where people are moved classes.
No vote
There is a general guide, each scoring director will do it their way
Kevin McMichael
**Withdrawn by author due to similar proposals
Match Aged based classes to similar classes from other series/events (A/B/C) skill levels but only for groups that can support the numbers. The O30 and O40 groups are some of the largest classes. Keep top tiered age groups in the A race and the B/C classes in the B race. Start both classes on the same line but a 15-30 second delay in the start of the class. To keep the timing and scoring close, use the lower portion of the numbering system allocated for the higher class and the upper portion of the numbering system for the C class.
For reference or example:
30+B 200-249 ADV 72-76%
30+C 250-299 ADV 71.9% and below
40+B 300-349 ADV 71-75%
40+C 350-399 ADV 70.9% and below
No vote
Structural decision not a rule
Kevin Lindesmith
If you win a gold helmet you must move to a faster class even if it requires going down an age group
No vote
If bumps are done well, this wont be an issue. There are some consistent people that win and are not even close to the next class up
Kevin Lindesmith
Need to find a break in the ability of aged riders…30 amature 30 novice 30 expert….40 amature 40 novice 40 experts 50 amature 50 novice 50 experts…once you are promoted from the B class sometimes the gap from b to a is to different…there needs to be an in-between class
No vote
Structural decision not a rule
Todd Gleaves
I would like to submit that the decades class has an age split. Example up thru 45 years old and 46 and older.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule
Josephine Grissom
I would like to propose to make two women’s classes in the B race, Women’s Beginner, and Women’s Amateur. If possible, Women’s Amatuer would start on the line that “Women’s Long Course” currently starts on, keeping number 600-699. Women’s Beginner would start on the line behind “Bike Beginner” taking on numbers 900-999, which are currently not used for any class in the B race. This would cause the least disturbance in present classes and starting orders.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule, not enough people to add a class. We can review if the rider count is there.
Tanner Myers
I propose that we extend the A race. Either back to 105 or 120 minutes. The B race should remain 90 minutes. Most series around us and bigger series around the country are all 2 hours. Now I understand if it’s insanely hot or muddy the race should be cut to 90 minutes. If you only want to run 90 minutes then can find a class in the B race to ride.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule, due to time in day
Tanner Myers
I think the A race should always go last, that way the more advanced riders get the rougher track
Overwhelming opposed
Jamie Jaksch
I would like to propose a change to the length of the youth and women’s short course quad race to 45 minutes or, preferably, an hour. Most other organizations have a 1 hour race for youth quad and some do a 45 minute race, but 30 minutes is hardly long enough for the racers to get into a “groove”.
No vote
Structural decision not a rule, time restraints
Jason Hudson
I would like to propose removing first responders from the language in Section of the rule book releasing them from the year end award work requirements. As symbols of honesty, integrity, and dedication to public service, serving our race community should come as second nature to those who claim that title. This is evidenced by those few who, despite the new exemption, still signed up for and completed a day’s assignment during the 2022 season.
I feel the original exemption for members of the Armed Forces was due to the full weekend drill requirements of that career, and does not truly apply to first responders. Does a first responder often have duty or training on weekends? Sure. As do numerous other occupations which are an essential part of life.
It takes a tremendous amount of effort to pull off a successful race season, and those who share in the harvest should share in the sowing.
Overwhelming pass