Race Schedule
- March 2-3 / Round 1 / Double G Ranch/ 34.809178, -97.896501
- March 16-17 / Round 2 / River Bend Ranch/ 36.308264, -96.532165
- April 6-7 / Round 3 / Gearhart Ranch / 34.956631, -96.606040
- April 27-28 / Round 4 / Danitek Track & Trails / 34. 750603, -97 .958045
- May 18-19 / Round 5 /Macomb/ 35.067550, -96.984320
- June 1-2 / Round 6 / Frederick Lake / 34.517391, -98.890777
- June 22-23 / Round 7 / Wanette / TBD
- August 24-25 / Round 8 / Big Fox Ranch / 35.158052, -94.578978
- September 7-8 / Round 9 / Stroud Lake/ 35.798818, -96.608157
- September 21-22 / Round 10 / Fouled Bore/ 34.883007, -97.983152
- October 5-6 / Round 11 / Walnut Grove/ 34.853398, -96.754368
- October 19-20 / Round 12 / Fry Lake/ 35.244068, -96.563946
Rain Dates
In the event that a race must be postponed, these are the dates that will be used in replacement.
- Rain Date 1: March 23-24
- Rain Date 2: May 25-26
- Rain Date 3: June 8-9
- Rain Date 4: June 29-30
- Rain Date 5: October 26-27
Click here to get detailed information and classes.
- 8 race series.
- It will take place at rounds 3 through round 10.
- You must make 6 races of the 8 races to be eligible for year end awards.
- Year end awards will be calculated on the 7 best finishes with one drop for the year.
- The kids will have to be the listed age or less at round 1 of OCCRA (March 3rd) to be eligible for that age class.
Pit Patroller
This would outline the information to implement a strong pit patrol program.
Problem statement: Pit riding in the past has been an issue that requires a dedicated program to curb the safety issues OCCRA has faced. As the club has grown the number of riders and entries has increased. By having a dedicated patroller of all the responsibilities listed below it would centralize the program to an individual.
The pits would be monitored for reckless riding and driving, enforcement of proper gear and appropriate speeds. Enforcement of penalties for infractions and provide reports of the health of the program.
Pits speeds are under 10mph in open areas, and 5mph when operating machines in the immediate vicinity of the parking areas.
Reckless is defined as excessive speeds, bunny hops, wheelies, stoppies, excessive acceleration, pivot turns, practice starts, and violation of pit speeds. ANY behavior while operating a machine that is deemed outside of riding in a first gear pit speed standard is subject to reckless riding in the pits.
Age requirements are to operate a side by side must be a licensed driver over the age of 16. Riders 14 to 16 will always have a properly secured helmet . Riders under the age of 13 MUST have a parent or legal guard at their side and a helmet to operate any machine outside of their race times to the line.
Any damage to vehicles or property falls solely on the responsible party for damages in the pits. Your car insurance is responsible for paying damages to another vehicle in the event you run into it.
- 1st Offense results in a backwards start.
- 2nd Offense results in a 2 min. hold in the penalty box at the front of the start line Offense results in a 5 min. hold in the penalty box at the front of the start line
- 3rd Offense results in an automatic DQ from your race.
- 4th Offense results in an automatic DQ from your race.
Run and hide from an officer for violations and it is a DQ and an automatic DQ from your next race by default!
Any infractions will be called into the pit patroller by ANY officer that witnesses it. They will record the infraction and be available at the start lines to inform riders of their penalty and enforce when they will take off at that allotted time. If parents witness it without an officer present, it will require either multiple witnesses or a parent providing pie/video of what they witness to an officer to ensure it is documented and corrected. Any member can stop a rider and inform them of the standard and remind them of the consequences.
The pit patroller would aid in areas during the race event as it is needed to ensure race day events are handled in a timely manner.
In the event parents would like to protest any penalty it would then be brought to the attention of the President, Vice President, Scoring Director, or Race director to decide and enforce the penalties. I.e. the penalized takes off without a backwards start and 2 min it would then be added to their race times.